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cock fighting

According to records, the origin of cockfighting in China can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period, when this recreational activity was quite prevalent, and was even more popular in the Tang Dynasty, and even became a folk custom.


Accounts: player1, player2, player3
Password: 12345678

Time: Pm14:00~Am2:00
Number of sessions: 12 hours a day/180 sessions
Duration: 4 minutes a battle

Since its development, cockfighting has been a traditional entertainment that can be seen all over the world, especially in Southeast Asian countries, where cockfighting has become a part of the daily life of the local people. Cockfighting is characterized by quick entertainment, simple gameplay, and the bloodthirsty and aggressive nature of cockfighting, all of which can make the audience bloodthirsty, so the players in the cockfighting arena usually stay for the whole day. With the evolution of the times and the advancement of technology, cockfighting has also begun to switch to an online version, which also opens up new horizons for players who love cockfighting.

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